

Culture and Customs of Sudan

إهداء إلي الأستاذ الدكتور
العالم الجليل
محمد حسن باشا
العالم الأثري السوداني الشهير
والأستاذ بأكاديمية الدراسات العليا-طرابلس

Culture and Customs of Sudan

(Culture and Customs of Africa)

Kwame Essien, Toyin Falola

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  • Number Of Pages: 224
  • Publication Date: 2008-11-30
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0313344388
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780313344381
Publisher: Greenwood

Product Description:

Amid a Sudan's dark history, saturated with conflicts and tragic current events, lies a culture with deep roots, going back as far as 8000 BC. With several hundred ethnic groups and languages, Sudan is one of the world's most diverse countries. Learn how these cultures have blended and collided throughout the centuries, and examine how traditions and customs are kept alive today. Religious beliefs, social customs, arts, literature, and cuisine are among the topics discussed in this volume, which is ideal for high school and undergraduate students.

Chapters include coverage on historical background, religions and worldviews, literature and media, art and architecture, cuisine and traditional dress, gender roles, marriage, and family, social customs, and music and dance.

A timeline of key events and bibliographical essay including print and nonprint sources supplement the work.

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