George Hart, "The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses"
Routledge l PDF l 187 Pages l 2 MB
Book Description :
The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses contains one of the most comprehensive listings and descriptions of Egyptian deities. Now in its second edition, it provides:
* A new introduction
* Updated entries and four new entries on deities
* Names of the deities as hieroglyphs
* A survey of gods and goddesses as they appear in classical literature
* An expanded chronology and updated bibliography, together with a list of relevant websites
* Drawings of the gods and emblems of each district
* A map of ancient Egypt and a time chart
Presenting a vivid picture of the complexity and richness of imagery in Egyptian mythology, students studying Ancient Egypt, travelers, visitors to museums and all those interested in mythology will find this an invaluable resource
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The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Title - The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
شكرا استاذى الغالى على اضافاتك الرائعة وفى انتظار المزيد
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اسمح لي أن أشكرك علي تواجدك معنا عنا في المدونة، وفعلا المواقع اللي حضرتك ذكرتها أفضل من غيرها، ولكنك تعلم مدي المجهود المبذول في عملية الرفع، وأيضا المدونة مرتبطة بموقع esnipsفي عملية التحميل، وأعتقد انه مش سئء..
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